

Easily generate Word and PDF documents with PHP from scratch or using templates and publish them in real time on any device: computers, tablets, smartphones...

Whether you need to create sophisticated Word documents and PDF files on your server, or just replace some variables in a template, phpdocx is the solution you're looking for.

You can generate these documents from a database (Excel, CSV or any other format) or just replace some variables in a template (text, images, graphics...).

You can also embed HTML code and adapt it with css or Word predefined styles.

You won't need private platforms. You can create documents from any server (Linux, Unix, macOS, Windows...) and if you need it, we provide a platform for help and support, run by the same team who developed phpdocx.

We offer three different licenses to best suit your specific needs: Basic, Advanced and Premium.

Visit the phpdocx website to know more features of this product.

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